Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Unique Keyboard model

 specially designed keyboard work easier, more convenient to make use of, or decrease the size of a large keyboard for easy on and take it anywhere where the main attraction.

The Combimouse 

The Combimouse keyboard was created to combine the keyboard and mouse functions. Right board used for the mouse, with two buttons that function as right-and left-click. Ball player at the bottom left of the keyboard. The keyboard is not created to help you type faster, but as an attempt to unify the mouse and keyboard functions. You will soon see that this one circulating in the market in 2008.


The Evolution Keyboard 

This keyboard can be separated and united. Both sides can be positioned according to your wishes, and can be rotated ninety degrees to control every aspect of direction. How much should you spend to get this technology? For this model prices range from $ 400 to $ 700.


The Wearable Keyboard 

A keyboard that you can plug it into the USB port and you can type after that. This one was not made for the use of a home, he seems made for use in the workplace that does not allow you to bring a large regular keyboard. Prices vary depending on the number of orders. Please check Terralogic site for further information.


The Optimus Maximus Keyboard 

This one is the first customizable keyboard on the market, each yombol a small LCD screen. You can choose any of Kazakhstan Tobol, and he will appear. You also can change the buttons to perform other functions, such as HTML code, or a special symbol. You can buy them online for $ 450.


The Virtual Keyboard 

Virtual laser keyboard is a keyboard. This unit has a size of a cigarette lighter, and has Bluetooth technology to connect with your PC. Button appears in the plane and you can easily type in here. You can get this technology at a price of $ 150.


The SafeType 

The keyboard is intended to create a comfortable position. You can move the different parts of different angles, you can even let go of the parts and put them in your lab. The aim is that you can do with typing most comfortable way. The price of this one dalah $ 300.


The Tidy Tippist 

This is a full keyboard with decorations such as buttons made tablecloth. Keyboard and electronic components are protected in layers of waterproof protection. This one is not the market, but you can get the end of 2008.


The AlphaGrip Keyboard 

This keyboard has a display like game controller. You may be striking to the USB port, and you can type as back in the recliner, sleeping, or when you are running on a treadmill. It features ten-finger typing and Mose with a form controller. They cost up to $ 100.


The ElekTex Fabric Keyboard 

This keyboard just like the name. He is a cordless keyboard in a piece of cloth. When you are finished using it, you can fold and store. If it becomes dirty, you can wash it. The best prices can be found on Amazon with $ 8


The FingerWorks TouchStream LP 

The TouchStream is a combination of mouse and keyboard. Keyboard separated to provide additional comfort. All flat button, which can make a strange feeling when typing. Retail prices on the Internet is $ 350.

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